BasePool Staking Incentives
The main source of staking incentives for esNFT comes from BasePool's rewards.
Incentive Source
The main source of BasePool's rewards comes from the AtDex ecosystem token incentives, which are distributed through a pipeline by the team. Please note, not all pairs can receive token incentives distributed by the Pipeline. Only pairs on the AtDex whitelist can receive the token incentives released by the Pipeline. The development team will dynamically expand the whitelist during the development of AtDex.
Incentive Form
AtDex's incentives will be issued in the form of ARR + esARR, and the ratio of ARR to esARR will be adjusted according to the operation of the protocol. The default is 80% esARR + 20% ARR.
Incentive Multiplier Factor
By default, the multiplier factor for BasePool to obtain incentives is 1, i.e., 100%, but the multiplier factor can be increased through the following ways:
Lock your esNFT, corresponding to the factor lockMultiplier (esNFT lock-up multiplier factor)
Through the Booster Component, corresponding to the factor boosterMultiplier (esARR component multiplier factor)
Stake your gNFT, corresponding to the factor gNFTMultiplier (gNFT multiplier factor)
The total multiplier is : totalMultiplier = lockMultiplier + boosterMultiplier + gNFTMultiplier
The lockMultiplier, gNFTMultiplier, and boosterMultiplier will vary depending on the amount of assets you stake and the staking period. The range for lockMultiplier and boosterMultiplier is from 0% to 150% (x1 to x2.5), and the maximum value for gNFTMultiplier is 50% (x1.5).
Each BasePool has its own upper limit for the multiplier factor. Generally, the upper limit is 250% (x3.5), and the upper limit for all BasePools is 300% (x4).
Last updated