Operating Mechanism

Operation Mechanism (ProjectB as example):

Initial Phase:

After AtDex completes the fair launch, the team will arrange manpower to start developing another derivative trading product (ProjectB, token pair as BRR esBRR). Apart from a small portion of tokens s0 (specific proportion will be announced at project launch, s0<10%) released to the team for liquidity provision and development costs, a part of tokens (s1) will go through GroupLaunch. The remaining tokens will be released linearly through the protocol, with a half-life of six months and a minimum release period of five years. The release rule is s2 (specific proportion to be announced at project launch) to incentivize liquidity and trading, and s3 (same as above) to incentivize esBRR users. In the early stages of Project B (within three months), esARR users can co-vary to esBRR, and the corresponding esARR will be destroyed. Note that s0+s1+s2+s3 equals 100%.

Stable Phase:

After successfully passing the initial phase, ProjectB will enter the product's stable phase. During ProjectB's stable operation, the team will continuously optimize ProjectB to provide a better user experience and a healthier economic model. At the same time, when ProjectB has stably released 50% of its tokens (or it's assessed by the team to have met the covariation conditions), its token esBRR can also participate in the covariation of new projects (like ProjectC).

Declining Phase:

When ProjectB can no longer adapt to market changes regardless of optimization, it enters the declining phase. In AtGroup, products in the decline phase will get a larger proportion of covariation bias, which means in each new product launch, there will be more esBRR from ProjectB co-varying into the new product's Token, until the liquid circulation of esBRR becomes very small, matching the market value of the product. In this way, new products will gain more ProjectB product users, thus having more initial liquidity, and the original ProjectB product users also gain the opportunity to re-participate in market investments.

Never-Exhausting Market Opportunities:

Through the above product cycle ecology, users in AtGroup will always have the opportunity to gain market increment. The Tokens in their hands can always capture value. A product has a lifecycle, but in AtGroup there are always innovative products.

Last updated