
The GroupLaunch component provides AtGroup users with the opportunity to participate in the launch of AtGroup projects. Whenever AtGroup has a new product launch (for example, ProjectC), the AtLab team will deploy a GroupLaunch component. You can allocate your esARR or other pledge tokens within AtGroup that meet the covariant conditions (like esBRR) to the component. Once the new project is launched, you will receive the pledge token of the new project (esCRR), and the tokens you previously allocated will be burned. The specifics of GroupLaunch will be announced during each round of AtGroup's launch, but you should have a general understanding of the following points:

  • When launching a new project, the exchange rates for different pledge tokens are different. They will mainly refer to the market price of the pledge token (like esARR, esBRR) and the selling unit price of the new project (like esCRR). Suppose the market price of esARR is higher than that of esBRR, then the exchange rate from esARR to esCRR will be higher.

  • The covariant shares allocated by different projects within AtGroup are different. In general, projects in the Declining Phase will get more shares. Check for the details.

  • The initial liquidity of the projects within AtGroup can only be obtained in GroupLaunch. Apart from the small portion s0 (s0<10%) retained by the team for adding to the pool and other uses, the remaining tokens will only be released as user incentives in the product.

Last updated