esNFT Extended Features

In addition to the platform incentives provided by BasePool, AtDex also provides other extensions for esNFT.

ExtendPool Incentives

In addition to the BasePool provided by the platform, the team and other third parties may create ExtendPools to incentivize LP position stakers. In fact, any third party can create an ExtendPool to reward their liquidity providers.

Other Customized Incentive Strategies

Because esNFT is a token based on the ERC721 protocol, we can provide more composable incentive strategies for it. It's not limited to the AtDex platform; other protocols can also incentivize esNFT through coding. Of course, when users stake their esNFT on other platforms, they should ensure that the protocol itself is secure.

Reusability and Lending

In addition to staking esNFT to gain rewards and lose liquidity, esNFT can also be empowered to gain rewards without losing liquidity, such as esNFT being used for on-chain asset verification. It can also open up the lending function of esNFT to improve the utilization efficiency of esNFT assets.

Last updated