Yield Farming

AtDex Farm provides users with numerous mining opportunities. By staking your LP tokens, you can earn platform tokens as well as ADP as rewards.

We recognize that substantial liquidity is vital for the success of DeFi. Hence, our goal is to offer a broad spectrum of incentive models to reward our valued liquidity providers.

High-yield LP model

In terms of incentives for providing liquidity, we have created various high-yield LP models, the details of which are as follows:

  1. Lock-in Mechanism Based on LP Staking After users stake their LP positions in the Farm pool, they can choose to lock their LP staked positions for a certain period of time to obtain higher earnings acceleration.

  2. esARR Booster Besides being able to generate value itself, esARR can also act as an enhancer, generating more rewards on the basis of basic earnings for LP staked positions.

  3. Genesis NFT (gNFT) The genesis token gNFT can also bring about considerable LP staking earning acceleration. All you need to do is stake your gNFT on the Portfolio page, and you can immediately start its earnings acceleration effect. (gNFT is a limited reward token given to some participating users during the AtDex public sale phase and can be purchased from other users in the secondary market)

In this product, we call it "Booster".

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