
ExtendPool incentives are the most direct realization of additional esNFT earnings on the AtDex platform. After staking LP in BasePool to obtain esNFT, users can choose to stake esNFT in the corresponding ExtendPool to gain another share of rewards.

ExtendPool is a reward pool that takes effect for a fixed time, accepts esNFT stakes, and provides incentives for them.

Through ExtendPool, the AtDex team or other project teams can provide another level of incentives to LP position stakers. Here, there's no need for any other intermediary's participation - project teams can directly incentivize LP staking users.

ExtendPools can generally be divided into two types according to the identity of the adder:

  • Official ExtendPools: Added by the AtDex team or other verified partners

  • Community ExtendPools: Added by the community

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