
A portion of AtDex's trading fee earnings will be distributed to the Profit component through the DexFeeShares contract. Users who stake esARR in the Profit component can claim trading fee earnings, which will be released once a week.

Periodic Distribution

Every week, DexFeeShares will allocate 30% of AtDex's trading fee earnings to Profit. After the earnings distribution, users can claim their token earnings in the Profit component contract.

Earnings Allocation

The distribution of these earnings will be based on the user's staked esARR quantity * staking time (by seconds) divided by the total esARR staking quantity * staking time (by seconds) for the entire period as the distribution share. Please note that the staking quantity here refers to the current staking quantity at that time. For example,

In more simpler terms, if we go with the following values:

  • a total of 10,000 esARR allocated to the dividends plugin

  • a daily distribution of 10,000 USDC

If a user has allocated 200 esARR to the plugin, he owns 2% of the allocations and will consequently receive 2% of the daily rewards, ie 200 USDC.

Dividends being distributed continuously, users don't need to wait for the end of the epoch to collect them.


Deallocating esARR from this component is not subject to any condition, and can be done any time.

The deallocation fee is 0.5%.

Last updated