
Internal stability

Introducing new products consumes the excess liquidity of existing products, maintaining a market-aligned volume for existing products. The consumed liquidity simultaneously becomes the initial liquidity for the new products, ensuring that they do not lack liquidity. At the same time, the linear release of new product tokens will promote steady growth in AtGroup's market value, forming a self-consistent and steadily growing economy.


Current market products cannot resist the avalanche effect of market value collapse. As the first DeFi economic union, AtGroup has the advantage of self-evolution. When a product within the AtGroup matrix gradually becomes unsuitable for the market, new products will absorb this product's liquidity through mutation, allowing users to gradually exit without triggering an avalanche. If a protocol attack causes a flash crash, measures such as on-chain snapshots and emergency stops can be used for immediate response, with long-term repair through the mutation effect thereafter.

Cluster effect

As the first DeFi cluster in the industry, AtGroup can fully utilize the advantages of clustering. For example, it can issue common tokens within the cluster and then expand outward using its own influence to become a common token in the industry (similar to USDT). It can set industry standards and issue innovative asset types. It can also use products to guide traffic to innovative products incubated within the cluster, seizing the advantage of being the first in a trend.

Expanded brand value

As the first DeFi economic union in the industry, AtGroup will inevitably form a brand. Besides aiding product marketing, the brand also embodies cultural attributes. If we envision AtGroup as a DeFi leader in the web3 world, then this leadership role will have its own distinct culture. Based on these cultural characteristics, In the future, we plan to develop innovative purely consumable products.

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