
The Launchpad component can provide users with special rights and interests from the projects launched on the AtDex Launchpad; these rights include token covariant, whitelist, discount, airdrop, or other rewards, etc. Specific rights details will be announced publicly by the Launchpad before each project sale. If you want to receive the benefits of the Launchpad component, you must understand the following points:

  1. Holding esARR will not benefit you directly, you must allocate it to the Launchpad component.

  2. If you allocate esARR to the component, you will be eligible to receive benefits related to the launchpad until you cancel the allocation.

  3. Regarding asset covariants, you must own gNFT to allow your esARR to covariant into the project's Token. The specific covariant exchange rate and share will be announced publicly on the Launchpad before the sale.

  4. The amount of esARR you allocate determines your share of the benefits, so the more you allocate, the larger the share. If the total amount of esARR allocated to the component increases, the share of each user will decrease proportionally; this process is bidirectional.

Last updated